Safety Day Stop

Taking Unnecesary RisksTaking Unnecesary RisksUnreliable StaffUnreliable StaffUnnecessary RiskUnnecessary RiskUnderestimating RiskUnderestimating RiskTreating Numbers As FactsTreating Numbers As FactsPressure On StaffPressure On StaffNegative AttitudeNegative AttitudeSpeedingSpeedingPhones Whilst DrivingPhones Whilst DrivingOverworkingOverworkingSiloSiloSkipping Vehicle ChecksSkipping Vehicle ChecksRestructuringRestructuringUsing Unsafe EquipmentUsing Unsafe EquipmentBullyingBullyingComplicated SystemsComplicated SystemsPaper Start FormsPaper Start FormsNot Paying Attention To Staff NeedsNot Paying Attention To Staff NeedsUnrealistic ExpectationsUnrealistic ExpectationsTaking RisksTaking RisksMiscommunicationMiscommunicationBeing NegativeBeing NegativeLooking Short TermLooking Short TermLone WorkersLone WorkersCutting CornersCutting CornersHurting OurselvesHurting OurselvesVehicle Idle-Carbon EmissionsVehicle Idle-Carbon EmissionsKilling TreesKilling TreesReporting Insignificant IncidentsReporting Insignificant IncidentsTaking ShortcutsTaking ShortcutsBeing ComplacentBeing ComplacentWorking 6 DaysWorking 6 DaysShort StaffingShort StaffingWork If UnsafeWork If UnsafeMiss ManagementMiss ManagementDistractionsDistractionsLosing EquipmentLosing EquipmentComplainingComplainingTime Pressure To Complete TaksTime Pressure To Complete TaksSame Uniform For AllSame Uniform For AllMicro ManagingMicro ManagingWorking In The RainWorking In The RainAuditsAuditsBeing UnsafeBeing UnsafeStop And Think/ListenStop And Think/Listen
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3 years ago

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