word cloud patogeni

Cosavirus ACosavirus ASmallpoxSmallpoxOospora lactisOospora lactisChandipura virusChandipura virusDengue RotavirusDengue RotavirusEbolaEbolaPenicillium digitatumPenicillium digitatumCommon yeast cakeCommon yeast cakeMucor racemosus AMucor racemosus APenicillium roquefortiPenicillium roquefortiEscherichia coliEscherichia coliPolio virusPolio virusEpstein-BarrEpstein-BarrPenicillium expansumPenicillium expansumPseudomonas fluorescensPseudomonas fluorescensBakers’ yeastBakers’ yeastBacillus anthracisBacillus anthracisBlue GreenBlue GreenChlorella vulgarisChlorella vulgarisMucor racemosus BMucor racemosus BHuman enterovirus 68Human enterovirus 68Giardia lambliaGiardia lambliaCorynebacterium diphteriaeCorynebacterium diphteriaeJC polyomavirusJC polyomavirusInfluenza BInfluenza BSaccharomyces cerevisiaeSaccharomyces cerevisiaeHuman parvovirus B19Human parvovirus B19Influenza AInfluenza AKunjin virusKunjin virusSaccharomyces ellipsoideusSaccharomyces ellipsoideusAspergillus flavusAspergillus flavusLake Victoria marburgvirusLake Victoria marburgvirusCryptosporidium parvumCryptosporidium parvumBrewers’ yeastBrewers’ yeastB. megatherium spB. megatherium spSaccharomyces spSaccharomyces spAspergillus nigerAspergillus nigerAspergillus glaucusAspergillus glaucusRhizopus nigricansRhizopus nigricansSalmonella enteritidisSalmonella enteritidisSalmonella paratyphiSalmonella paratyphiSalmonella typhimuriumSalmonella typhimuriumMarburgMarburgMycobacterium tuberculosisMycobacterium tuberculosisSARS-CoV-2SARS-CoV-2
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