NGSS Panel What Students Need to be Successful 2016

creativitycreativityappreciation for learningappreciation for learningjudgmentjudgmentuse evidenceuse evidenceinternship or work experienceinternship or work experiencescience practicesscience practicesinterpret and analyzeinterpret and analyzeresearch skillsresearch skillscollaborativecollaborativeperseveranceperseveranceself-directed learnerself-directed learnersystems thinkingsystems thinkingauthentic researchauthentic researchuse ideasuse ideaswriting skillswriting skillsmotivationmotivationcommunicate understandingcommunicate understandingexplorationexplorationarticulatearticulateengage in explorationengage in explorationgoals for learninggoals for learningself managementself managementstudy skillsstudy skillsengage in inquiryengage in inquiryaccept challengesaccept challengesapply content knowledgeapply content knowledgeteamworkteamworkopen mind setopen mind setconstruct meaningconstruct meaninghumilityhumilityproblem solverproblem solveranalyticalanalyticalsustained effortsustained effortdraw conclusionsdraw conclusionsdeterminationdeterminationsense of wondersense of wonderlearning as processlearning as processexperiential learningexperiential learningapply mathapply mathread criticallyread critically

8 years ago

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