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Paul, Ireland

WordItOut is really such a handy tool. It's applications are diverse; I've been using it to help summarize scientific reports and as a valuable aid to learning a foreign language. Belongs in everyone's bookmarks!

Such a system stands as a valid alternative to Wordle et al. And it is wholly free.

Farbod, Wales

Congratulations on developing a really easy to use site. As a doctor, I'll find many uses for word clouds in my presentations to peers and teaching sessions with students.

Free Technology for Teachers

The complaint that some people have about Wordle is that it doesn't offer much in the way of customization options. That's where WordItOut shines.

The feature of WordItOut that I like the best is that you can choose to have Word It Out ignore any word or words you choose. Ignoring words keeps them out of the word cloud.

Monica, Italy

Very nice website... easy to use to obtain word clouds... for which purpose? ..well..for me it’s just for fun! But I think that it’s a good tool to show something in a funny way (and this can help communication). On the other hand, it can be used to highlight the important terms of a text of whatever kind: the most used words can be an indication of the meaning of the text itself...

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